Feb 21- 27th
am- 30 minutes
pm- 60 mintues very easy.
am- 7 miles on treadmill + core and push ups
pm-7 miles + strides and 10x over hurdles
pm- 13 miles with 20 minute light progression run in middle. + strides, core, and push ups
am-7 miles 52 mins
pm- 6 miles 43 mins
pm- 75 minutes at Syracuse with a few of the guys and Ben and Ryan on the indoor track
pm- 15 miles 1:39 mins achilles tight from running on indoor track
pm- 12 miles 70 mins.
Total- 90 miles
This was a real good week for me. It was the best week I've had since being sick. I did a very light 20 minute progression run in the middle of a run because iI was feeling good that day and wanted to see what my limits are right now. It felt very easy but I didn't want to push it. I want to be patient. It also gave me a lot of confidence that I havent lost much fitness. I was always amazed when a friends of mine Nate Jenkins would be sick or miss a bit of training but come back so quickly like he missed nothing. He always told me that because he has such a strong base it was fine, and he would be fine missing time here and there. At the time I was so confused because for me if I take a few days I feel like im so out of shape. Well now I realize what Nate was talking about. Now that im almost 100% I feel as though I havent missed much when it comes to the longer stuff. I did a workout this week that in the past I would have been crazy to even think about doing after struggling the last 8 weeks. I will fill you in soon about that.
I have put being sick and missing my indoor season behind me. I have all my concentration and effort focused on the up coming season and running a fast 3ksc.
I would just like to give a big shout out to everybody following me and my goal to a US Qualifier. I really appreciate it. Thanks all
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